The Gospel of
Gospel of Matthew
The following are summaries and outlines for the Gospel of Matthew.
Gospel of Matthew Summary
Matthew presents Jesus as the Jewish Messiah sent by God to bring salvation to Israel and the nations in fulfillment of OT Scriptures. The book is an account of Jesus' life, death and resurrection, focusing on Jesus' role as the true king of the Jews.
The book bears the fitting name of Matthew, the author. Matthew, a former tax collector, was one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to help spread the Gospel.
Author and Date of Writing
The author is Matthew, also called Levi.
Mathew was one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus. The Gospel was written between AD 50 and 70.
Matthew Outline
I. The Birth and Early Years of Jesus (chapter 1 and 2)
- His Geneology; Matthew 1:1-7
- His Birth; Matthew 1:18 and Matthew 2:1-12
- His Stay in Egypt, Matthew 2:13-23
II. The Beginnings of Jesus' Ministry, ch. 3:1-4:1-7
- His Forerunner; Matthew 3:1-12
- His Baptism, Matthew 3:13-27
- His Temptation, Matthew 4:1-11
III. Jesus' Ministry in Galilee, ch. 4:12 - 14:12
- The Beginning of the Galilean Campaign, Matthew 4:12-25
- The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew. 5:1-48, Matthew 6:1-34, Matthew 7:1-29
- A Collection of Miracles, Matthew 8:1-34, Matthew-9:1-38
- The Commissioning of the Twelve Apostles, Matthew 10:1-42
- Ministry throughout Galilee, Matthew 11:1-30, Matthew 12:1-50
- The Parables of the Kingdom, Matthew 13:1-58
- Herod’s Reaction to Jesus’ Ministry, Matthew 14:1-12
IV. Jesus' Withdrawals from Galilee, ch. 14:13 - 17:20
- To the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee, Matthew 14:13-58, Matthew15:1-20
- To Phoenicia. Matthew 15:21-28
- To the Decapolis, Matthew 15:29-39, Matthew 16:1-12
- To Caesarea Philippi, Matthew 16:13-28, Matthew 17:1-21)
V. Jesus' Last Ministry in Galilee, ch. 17:22 - 18:35
- Jesus Foretells His Death, Matthew 17:22-23
- Temple Tax, Matthew 17:24-27
- Discourse on Life in the Kingdom, Matthew 18:1-35
VI. Jesus' Ministry in Judea and Perea, ch. 19 - 20
- Teaching concerning Divorce, Matthew 19:1-12
- Teaching concerning Little Children, Matthew 19:13-15
- The Rich Young Man, Matthew 19:16-30
- The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard, Matthew 20:1-16
- Jesus Prophesies His Coming Death Again, Matthew 20:17-19
- Mother’s Request, Matthew 20:20-28
- Restoration of Sight at Jericho, Matthew 20:29-34
VII. Passion Week, ch. 21 - 27
- The Triumphal Entry, Matthew 21:1-11
- The Cleansing of the Temple, Matthew 21:12-17
- The Last Controversies with the Jewish Leaders, Matthew 21:18-46, Matthew 22:1-46
- The Denunciation of the Scribes and Pharisees, Matthew 23:1-36
- Prophecy concerning Jerusalem, Matthew 23:37-39
- Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24: 1-51, Matthew 25:1-46
- Jesus’ Betrayal Plotted, Matthew 26:1-16
- The Last Supper, Matthew 26:17-35
- Garden of Gethsemane, Matthew 26:36-56
- Trial before Caiaphas, Matthew 26:57-68
- Peter’s Denial, Matthew 26:69-75
- Judas’s Death, Matthew(27:1-10