The Gospel of
Gospel of Mark
The following are summaries and outlines for
the Gospel of Mark.

Gospel of Mark Summary
Mark, just like all 4 gospels, is an account of Jesus' life, ministry, death and resurrection. However with Mark, the account is much more brief and focuses more on what Jesus did rather than things he said.

The book bears the fitting name of Mark, the author. John Mark, son of Mary (not Jesus' Mary, and cousin of Barnabas, was one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to help spread the Gospel.

Author and Date of Writing
The author is never actually stated however it is agreed that it was written by the Mark the Disciple. The Gospel was written between in approximately AD 62 while Peter was in prison.
Mark Outline
I. Prologue: Identity and credentials of Christ (Chapter 1:1-13)
- Son of God, Mark 1:1
- Fulfiller of past prophecy, Mark 1:2, 3
- Fulfiller of present prophecy, Mark 1:4–8
- Embodiment of God’s Spirit, Mark 1:9–11
- Target of the adversary, Mark 1:12, 13
II. Ministry in the North: Jesus’ Galilean days 1:14—9:50
- Jesus’ preaching begins, Mark 1:14, 15
- Jesus’ disciples respond, Mark 1:16–20
- Jesus’ authority astounds, Mark 1:21—3:12
- Jesus’ emissaries appointed, Mark 3:13–19
- Jesus’ work divides, Mark 3:20–35
- Jesus’ influence expands, Mark 4:1—9:50
- Through teaching, Mark 4:1–34
- Through mastery over the elements, the demonic, and death, Mark 4:35-41, Mark 5:1-43,Mark 6:1-6
- Through the Twelve, Mark 6:7–13
- Through political developments, Mark 6:14–29
- Through miracles, Mark 6:30–56
- Through confrontation, Mark 7:1–23
- Through compassion and correction, Mark 7:24-37, Mark 8:1-26
- Through intimate self-disclosure, Mark 8:27-38, Mark 9:1-50
III. Ministry in transition: Jesus’ Judean days 10:1–52
- Itinerary and activity, Mark 10:1
- Teaching on marriage and divorce, Mark 10:2–12
- Teaching on children, eternal life, wealth, Mark 10:13–31
- Jesus’ fateful course set, Mark 10:32–45
- A beggar healed, Mark 10:46–52
IV. Ministry in Jerusalem: Jesus’ final days 11:1—15:47
- The triumphal entry, Mark 11:1–11
- A fig tree cursed, Mark 11:12–26
- Jesus’ authority challenged, Mark 11:27–33
- Treacherous vine-growers, Mark 12:1–12
- Jesus in controversy, Mark 12:13–44
- Prophetic instruction, Mark 13:1–27
- Appeal for diligence, Mark 13:28–37
- Anointing, Mark 14:1–9
- Last Supper and betrayal, Mark 14:10–31
- Gethsemane, Mark 14:32–52
- Trial, Mark 14:53-72, Mark: 15:1-15
- Cross, Mark 15:16–39
- Grave, Mark 15:40–47
V. Epilogue: Resurrection and vindication of the Christ 16:1–20
- The empty tomb, Mark 16:1–8
- Jesus Christ commissions, Mark 16:9–18
- Jesus Christ ascends, Mark 16:19, 20